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Showing below up to 210 results starting with #1.

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  • "A conference session with members present, at a distance and on location"  +
  • "Alimentation. — La base de notre alimenta
    "Alimentation. — La base de notre alimentation repose en principe sur un trépied. 1° Protides (viandes, azotes). 2° Glycides (légumineux, hydrates de carbone). 3° Lipides (graisses). Mais il faut encore pour présider au cycle de la vie et en assurer la régularité, des vitamines : c’est à elles qu’est due la croissance des jeunes, l’équilibre nutritif des adultes et une certaine jeunesse chez les vieillards."
    ne certaine jeunesse chez les vieillards."  +
  • "Bibliothèques!" from Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum  +
  • "In terms of references, Paul Otlet and La
    "In terms of references, Paul Otlet and La Fontaine, but mostly Otlet invented a classification system for the world information: the Universal Decimal Classification. You can see it as a search engine on paper. Later on, it will become the digital search engine."
    it will become the digital search engine."  +
  • "Institut International de Bibliographie, le répertoire Bibliographique Universel. - Bruxelles : Phototypie Desaix, s.d. - 14x9 cm"  +
  • "M. Paul Otlet, director of the Palais Mondial, 'camps' with his colleagues in front of the entrance of the premises that are about to be closed by the Ministry of public works"  +
  • "Qui scit ubi scientia habenti est proximus. Who knows where science is, is about to have it. The librarian is helped by collaborators: Bibliotecaire-adjoints, rédacteurs, copistes, gens de service."  +
  • "The Mundaneum, where history meets technology."  +
  • "Un tiroir des meubles-fichiers du Répertoire Bibliographique Universel (RBU)"  +
  • ''An axonometric view of the Mundaneum giv
    ''An axonometric view of the Mundaneum gives the effect of an aerial photograph of an archeological site — Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, ancient American (Mayan and Aztec) or Peruvian. These historical reminiscences are striking. Remember the important building works of the Mayas, who were the zenith of ancient American civilization. These well-known ruins (Uxmal, Chichen-Itza, Palenque on the Yucatan peninsula, and Copan in Guatemala) represent a “metaphysical architecture” of special cities of religious cults and burial grounds, cities of rulers and priests; pyramids, cathedrals of the sun, moon and stars; holy places of individual gods; graduating pyramids and terraced palaces with architectural objects conceived in basic geometrical shapes of cube, cylinder, prism and pyramid, the main axis of which is symmetry with emphasis on horizontality.''
    symmetry with emphasis on horizontality.''  +
  • ''As soon as all forms of life are categorized, classified and determined, individuals will become numeric "dividuals" in sets, subsets or classes.''  +
  • ''The face of the earth would be much alte
    ''The face of the earth would be much altered if brick architecture were ousted everywhere by glass architecture. It would be as if the earth were adorned with sparkling jewels and enamels. Such glory is unimagmable. We should then have a paradise on earth, and no need to watch in longing expectation for the paradise in heaven.''
    expectation for the paradise in heaven.''  +
  • ''The ship wherein Theseus and the youth o
    ''The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same.''
    her contending that it was not the same.''  +
  • ''The universe (which others call the Libr
    ''The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite and perhaps infinite number of triangular galleries, with vast air shafts between, surrounded by very low railings. From any of the triangles one can see, interminably, the upper and lower floors. The distribution of the galleries is invariable.''
    ribution of the galleries is invariable.''  +
  • ''The “Sacrarium,” is something like a temple of ethics, philosophy, and religion. A great globe, modeled and colored, in a scale 1 = 1,000,000 with the planetarium inside, is situated in front of the museum building.''  +
  • ... putting together these writings, catal
    ... putting together these writings, catalogue them, read them systematically, summarizing them following uniform methods, transcribe <s>the data</s> these summaries in new publications. This is in what the organization must involve, tending towards regularly recordings of the knowledges and the humans progress to ensure the most of their diffusion.
    ess to ensure the most of their diffusion.  +
  • 16 September, arrival of the Radiated book at Constant: 13 boxes, 315 copies.  +
  • 221.21 Formes (du livre), in Traité de documentation  +
  • A paper initially presented at ''Congrès international de documentation photographique'', Marseille, October 19, 1906.  +
  • Absent drawers (screenshot from "François Schuiten et le Mundaneum", 1997)  +
  • Annie Besant & Jean Delville  +
  • Annie Besant & Jiddu Krishnamurti  +
  • Architectural vision of the Mundaneum by M.C. Heymans  +
  • Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
  • Archives of the Mundaneum below Place Rogier, 1990's  +
  • Atlas Bruxelles – Urbaneum - Belganeum - Mundaneum. Page de garde du chapitre 991 de l'Atlas de Bruxelles.  +
  • Autoworld interior, ca. 2013  +
  • Bibliology-Documentation-Museography: Expression as a double interface between processes of documentation and of thought  +
  • Bill Echikson: "Google has partnered with Mundaneum because we realized together that this was Google on paper a hundred years ago."  +
  • Biographers Warden Boyd Rayward, Françoise Levie and Alex Wright at Alex Wright's lecture "Cataloging the world: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age", held in Brussels, at Google Offices, December 4, 2014  +
  • Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum reaches for a
    Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum reaches for a shovel off of a robot built by Monarch High School's Team Shazbots robotic team, while, from left, John Tayer, of the Boulder Chamber; Collin Kemberlin, of Tryba Architecture; Liz Hanson, of the city of Boulder; Congressman Jared Polis; Scott Green, of Google; Gov. John Hickenlooper; Fran Ryan, of Impact; and Darren Fisk, of Form; watch during a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Google campus in Boulder.
    mony for the new Google campus in Boulder.  +
  • Brussels renders hommage to Paul Otlet with this dreary street in Anderlecht  +
  • Campaign image for the exhibition 'Mons 2015 : Mapping Knowledge - Comprendre le monde par les données' at Mundaneum, Mons  +
  • Ce schéma de l'Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum illustre le côté précurseur de Paul Otlet en termes de télécommunication. Dès les années 1920, il imagine des systèmes de vidéoconférence et de consultation de livres à distance.  +
  • Contemporary re-imagination of the Mondothèque  +
  • Converting .tiff to .jpg  +
  • Copper plaque on the front door of Imprimerie Van Keerberghen, Brussels (2015)  +
  • Corbusier - scheme for the traffic circulation  +
  • Corbusier, Current and Ideal traffic circulation  +
  • Crystal computing aka Google in Saint Ghislain, Belgium  +
  • Crystal computing by night  +
  • Data center technicien at Google, Saint Ghislain  +
  • Design for Mondothèque  +
  • Design for the Mundaneum, Section and facades by Le Corbusier  +
  • Detail description of La Mondothèque in Le Traité de documentation, 1934  +
  • Detail from the original scenography by Benoît Peeters and François Schuiten for The Mundaneum Archive Center, Mons  +
  • Deuxième Congrès Panafricain, au Palais Mondial, à Bruxelles en septembre 1921. In the background, "Prométhée," a painting by Jean Delville.  +
  • Director of the New Mundaneum, Jean François Fueg, explains the importance of digitisation in 1996  +
  • Documentation personelle: Mondothèque, Chambre de travail, Table de travail  +
  • Dorothea (Thea) Coops was the sister of Wilhelmina Coops.  +
  • Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
  • Dynamic visualization of the Plan Mondial  +
  • Elio Di Rupo with Mons2015 badge  +
  • Elio di Rupo and Sylvia Van Peteghem at the signing of the collaboration agreement between Google and Mundaneum, 2012  +
  • Elio di Rupo and Sylvia Van Peteghem, 2012  +
  • Elio di Rupo, Rudy Demotte and others playing table football at Google Community Day  +
  • Entrance to the World Trade Center, Brussels  +
  • Excerpt from "L'homme qui voulait classer le monde" directed by Françoise Levie  +
  • Excerpt from Paul Otlet's text written on the occasion of Henri Lafontaine's 80th birthday, with cursory mention of team members  +
  • Exhibition materials of Le Palais Mondial moved to the hallway to make space for a Rubber Fair (Foire du caoutchouc)  +
  • Expo Renaissance 2.0 au Mundaneum  +
  • Facsimile edition of Le Traité de documentation, published by the CLPCF in 1989  +
  • Fiche bibliographique/Promo pour le "Traité de documentation" (resurfaced on https://twitter.com/Mundaneumasbl/Mundaneum), 24.11.2014)  +
  • Fiche retrouvée dans un des tiroirs à fiches du Répertoire bibliographique universel en libre accès au Mundaneum à Mons.  +
  • Flyer Workshop Le livre sur le livre  +
  • Flyer announcing a game published by the Mundaneum archive center: "Did you know the Internet was imagined in Belgium? Discover the history of Mundaneum in an amusing way"  +
  • François Schuiten explains the reasoning behind his scenography for the resurrected Mundaneum, just before it's re-opening in 1998  +
  • From industrial heartland to the Internet age (screen-capture). Video published by The Mundaneum, 2014  +
  • From the editor's notes to Paul Otlet's essay on Henri Lafontaine  +
  • Google Cultural Institute in Paris  +
  • Google representatives and government officials present the project of a Google Datacenter in Hong Kong  +
  • Groundbreaking ceremonies at Google in The
    Groundbreaking ceremonies at Google in The Dalles Thursday, Sept. 26, with Bill Dick, The Dalles City Council; Carolyn Wood, The Dalles City Council, Steve Kramer, Wasco County Commissioner; John Huffman, state representative; Rod Runyon, Wasco County Commissioner, Steve Lawrence, The Dalles mayor; Dave Karlson, general manager, The Dalles Google; Linda Miller, The Dalles City Council; Tim McGlothlin, The Dalles City Council; Nolan Young, The Dalles city manager; Scott Hege, Wasco County Commissioner and Benjamin Treynor Sloss, Google vice president of 24-7 operations.
    Google vice president of 24-7 operations.  +
  • Gustave Abeels, former president of the now defunct Amis du Palais mondial, explains the advantages to moving the Mundaneum archive to Mons  +
  • Harm Post, director of Groningen Sea Ports  +
  • Henri La Fontaine at his desk  +
  • Henri La Fontaine in front of the Reichstag room in Berlin, where the XXIIIrd Universal Peace Congress is held, 1924 (photography R. Horlemann)  +
  • Henri Lafontaine and Mathilde Lhoest reading in their living room at Square Vergote in Brussels  +
  • Holy soldier Evgeny Rodionov, diezelsun.  +
  • I believe these hands belong to Alex Wright  +
  • Illustration published in Le Soir (08/05/2015) explaining the various institutions and actors involved in managing finances for Mons 2015  +
  • Index Indexorum  +
  • Index card found in the Mundaneum Archives (September 2015); handwriting probably Cato van Nederhasselt: "Paul -- laisse moi la clef de m/la maison, j'ai oublie la mienne. Mets la - sur ton bureau - dans le petit bac a fiches. --"  +
  • Indexation de publications et rédaction de fiches bibliographiques  +
  • Inscription: "Il ne fut rien sinon Mundanéen"  +
  • International Institute of Photography, a collaboration between Ernest de Potter, Paul Otlet, and Henri Lafontaine (?)  +
  • Internet, a story from Belgium? Poster distributed by The Mundaneum archive center  +
  • Introduction by Robert Estivals (president
    Introduction by Robert Estivals (president of the Association Internationale de Bibliologie) and André Canonne (director of the Centre de Lecture publique de la Communauté Francaise and director of the Espace Mundaneum) to the 1989 facsimile edition of Le Traité de documentation
    mile edition of Le Traité de documentation  +
  • Inverted pyramid and floor plan by Stanislas Jasinski  +
  • Jean-Paul Deplus, Elio di Rupo and Sylvia Van Peteghem sign the collaboration agreement between Google and Mundaneum, 2012  +
  • Jyri Häkämies (Minister of Economic Affairs), Ari Kurvi (Operations Manager) and Hannu Muhonen (Mayor of Hamina) inaugurate Google datacenter in Hamina, Finland.  +
  • L'action du centre mondial  +
  • L'affaire du Palais Mondial  +
  • L'encyclopédie documentaire  +
  • L'organisation mondiale du Travail intellectuel  +
  • L'univers. L'intelligence. La science. Le livre  +
  • La Pyramide des Bibliographies. In: Paul Otlet, ''Traité de documentation: le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique'' (Bruxelles: Editiones Mundaneum, 1934), 290.  +
  • La classification bibliographique  +
  • La documentation et ses parties  +
  • La femme et la Cité, from Encyclopedia Universalis Mundaneum. "Vœu émis par Paul Otlet pour que les femmes aient leur place dans le projet de la Cité mondiale pour y apporter leur sensibilité "esthétique". 16 mars 1943."  +
  • La pyramide des bibliographies  +
  • Le Cinescope projection de microfilms  +
  • Le Corbusier, Musée Mondial (1929), FLC, doc nr. 24510  +
  • Le Livre et la représentation du Monde  +
  • Le Palais Mondial - Mundaneum  +
  • Le Traite de documentation OCR with layout visualised through 3D layering of css  +
  • Le reseau Mundaneum. From Paul Otlet, Encylcopaedia Universalis Mundaneum  +
  • Le répertoire bibliographique universel  +
  • Leaflet published by the Mundaneum Archive Center, 2012  +
  • Les aspects du livre  +
  • Logo of the Mundaneum  +
  • Manuel du repertoire bibliographique universel (prototype), 1904  +
  • Marcel Flamion, who used to work in the Mundaneum, explains how the archive was under threat before moving to Mons in 1993  +
  • Marie-Louise Philips, Henri Lafontaine's mother  +
  • Melvil Dewey’s business card. (From: Wiegand, Wayne A. 1996. Irrepressible reformer: A biography of Melvil Dewey. Chicago: American Library Association, p. 62.)  +
  • Metro Place Rogier in 2008  +
  • Mon Bureau. Clipping found in the Mundaneum Archives, personal papers Paul Otlet  +
  • Mondotheque in front of the former entrance of Palais Mondial - Brussels, 24 September 2016  +
  • Mondotheque visits the Canteen of the World Trade Center in Bruxelles, 26 February 2016  +
  • Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
  • Mondotheque visits the former Palais Mondial. With Sebastian Luetgert, Marcell Mars, Robert M. Ochshorn, Peter Westenberg, Donatella Portoghese, Femke Snelting and Flèche  +
  • Mondothèque worksession at Akademie Schloss Solitude, February 2015  +
  • More ads related to drills, lawyers, explosives, and filing equipment  +
  • Mundaneum, transmitter of knowledge  +
  • Mundaneum: Les archives de la connaissance (Les Impressions nouvelles, 2008). Promotional banderolle added in 2015 by the Mundaneum Archive Center  +
  • New entrance to the Mundaneum in Mons insists on 'Google de Papier'  +
  • Notes by Paul Otlet in the copy of Le Traité that belongs to Melissa Coops. Screenshot from: The man who wanted to classify the world  +
  • Novacarte. Clipping found in the Mundaneum archives, personal papers Paul Otlet  +
  • Office International de Bibliographie, Salle de repertoires  +
  • Organisation Mondiale  +
  • Otlet and Delville meet Krishnamurti in Ommen, the Netherlands, on the occasion of a meeting of the "Order of the Star," a theosophist splinter group established by Annie Besant  +
  • Otlet's Formula  +
  • Otlet, Scheme and Reality  +
  • Otlet, ‘clavier’, manual and mechanical operation  +
  • Otlet, ‘clavier’, manual and mechanical operations  +
  • Pan African Congress, Brussels (1921). In the background, "Prométhée," a painting by Jean Delville  +
  • Patrick Lafontaine (facing) and Bernard Otlet at the 30th anniversary of the internet with Vint Cerf  +
  • Paul Otlet at The repertory of the International Office of Bibliography installed in the Cinquantennaire  +
  • Paul Otlet at the World Congress of Universal Documentation, Paris, August 1937  +
  • Paul Otlet personal papers. Picture taken during a Mondothèque visit of the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
  • Paul Otlet with Henri and Mathilde Lafontaine in front of Palais Mondial  +
  • Paul Otlet à son bureau  +
  • Paul Otlet à son bureau, 1934  +
  • Paul Otlet à son bureau, avec Georges Lorphèvre et théière  +
  • Paul Otlet, Atlas Monde (1936). MDN, AFF, scan nr. Mundaneum_032; Mundaneum_034; Mundaneum_036; Mundaneum_038; Mundaneum_040; Mundaneum_042; Mundaneum_044; Mundaneum_046; Mundaneum_049 (sic!)  +
  • Paul Otlet, Cellula Mundaneum (1936). Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Affiches (AFF).  +
  • Paul Otlet, Le Monde en son ensemble (1936). Mundaneum, Mons. MDN, AFF, scan nr. MUND-00009061_2008_0001_MA  +
  • Paul Otlet, Mundaneum. Documentatio Partes. MDN, EUM, doc nr. 8506, scan nr. Mundaneum_A400176  +
  • Paul Otlet, Species Mundaneum. Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Encyclopaedia Universalis Mundaneum (EUM), document No. 8506.  +
  • Paul Otlet, Traité de documentation: le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique (Bruxelles: Editiones Mundaneum, 1934), 428-429.  +
  • Paul Otlet, Visionnaire. Video shown at the signing of the collaboration between Mundaneum and Google  +
  • Paul Otlet, design for Mondothèque (Mundaneum archive center, Mons)  +
  • Paul Otlet, directeur du Palais mondial de
    Paul Otlet, directeur du Palais mondial de Bruxellles, faisant un discours lors d'un meeting de protestation organisé par le Cercle belgo-russe, à la suite du sac de l'exposition russe, années 1930. A sa droite : madame Taupin; à sa gauche : Pierre Bourgeois, écrivain belge.
    gauche : Pierre Bourgeois, écrivain belge.  +
  • Personal documentation: analysis and synthesis (schema)  +
  • Personal documentation: analysis and synthesis (sketch)  +
  • Perspective of the Mundaneum by M.C. Heymans  +
  • Photo from the Broese van Groenou family archive / Emilia Broese van Groenou (1876-1960) was the mother of Dorothea (Thea) Coops and Wilhelmina (Milisa) Coops  +
  • Photograph of the staff of the International Institute of Bibliography, writing and classifying records  +
  • Phrenology head by L.N. Fowles on sale for 995 Czech Koruna  +
  • Place Rogier, Brussels around 2005  +
  • Place Rogier, Brussels with sign "Pyramides"  +
  • Plan of the Mundaneum by M.C. Heymans  +
  • Portable index card holder, prototype designed by Paul Otlet  +
  • Preparing Constant_V in Scribus  +
  • President of Finland Sauli Niinistö announces the second-phase investment of Google into the Hamina datacenter.  +
  • Production des livres et des périodiques  +
  • Proof for the postface of Traité de documentation  +
  • Quinzaine internationale (durant laquelle est organisée l’Université internationale)  +
  • Re-thinking the index, Radiated Booksprint, 23-25 February 2016  +
  • Robert Goldschmidt and Paul Otlet revisit George Wharton Simpson's older ideas on microphotography and apply them to books, by suggesting ways in which this technique could facilitate research and save up space.  +
  • Rue Otlet on Cram's Pentagone Atlas (1894)  +
  • Rue Otlet on Plan de Bruxelles et ses faubourgs avec liste des rues published by Grand Bazar du Boulevard Anspach (1910)  +
  • Schéma symbolisant la Cité Mondiale et le rattachement de tous les points de la Terre à la Cité. 07 mai 1943.  +
  • Screen capture from a digitisation effort made around 1996  +
  • Screencapture from Google Streetview: Streetview cars parked at the Google data-center, Saint Ghislain  +
  • Screenshot 0:11 from "Google in Mons: European Capital of Culture 2015"  +
  • Screenshot from "Google in Mons: European Capital of Culture 2015"  +
  • Screenshot from "L'homme qui voulait classer le monde" by Françoise Levie  +
  • Screenshot from ''Office Central de Documentation pour les Questions Concernant la Femme. Rapport,'' edited by Conseil International des Femmes (International Council of Women), Bruxelles : Office Central de Documentation Féminine, 1909, p. 1.  +
  • Screenshot of Bernard Otlet, from the documentary "Paul Otlet: le rêve et la norme" by Christine Masuy (6 Feb. 2007)."  +
  • Screenshot of absent index card drawers from "François Schuiten et le Mundaneum", 1997  +
  • Section by Stanislas Jasinski  +
  • See Cross-readings, Rayward, Warden Boyd (
    See Cross-readings, Rayward, Warden Boyd (who translated and adapted), ''Mundaneum: Archives of Knowledge'', Urbana-Campaign, Ill. : Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010. Original: Charlotte Dubray et al., Mundaneum: Les Archives de la Connaissance, Bruxelles: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2008. (p. 37)
    : Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2008. (p. 37)  +
  • Siem Jansen (director of the Development A
    Siem Jansen (director of the Development Agency of Noord-Nederlands), Harm Post (Director of Groningen Seaports), Marijke Van Beek (Major of Eemsmond), Bryan Evans (head of datacenter Design and Construction of Google), Francois Sterin (director of Global Infrastructure Google), Henk Kamp (Dutch Minister of Economy) and William Moorlag (Deputy of Groningen Province) inaugurate the construction of Google Datacenter in Eemshaven, Groningen Province.
    tacenter in Eemshaven, Groningen Province.  +
  • Sitting on the pyramid at Metro Place Rogier, early 2000  +
  • Sketch for La Mondothèque. Paul Otlet, 1935?  +
  • Sketch for Mundaneum World City. Le Corbusier, 1929  +
  • Sketches for Google Doodle celebrating Otlet's 147th birthday  +
  • Slide from TedX presentation by Sylvia van Peteghem, head of the University Library Ghent: "To Google or not to Google, that is the question".  +
  • Storage place of the Mundaneum at Avenue Rogier  +
  • Table des 10 Fondamentaux - Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
  • Table of codes related to changes of prices on the coffee market at Le Havre and Hamburg  +
  • Taiwan Economics Minister Yen-Hsiang Shih, President of Google APAC Daniel Alegre, Google Taiwan managing director Lee-Feng Chien and Changhua county magistrate Bo-Yuan Jhuo at the Google data center opening ceremony in Changhua on April 3, 2012  +
  • The Benefactor, the architect and the inte
    The Benefactor, the architect and the intellectual: Mme Hélène de Mandrot, Le Corbusier, Paul Otlet in Geneva, autumn 1929. From: Giuliano Gresleri and Dario Matteoni. La Città Mondiale: Andersen, Hébrard, Otlet, Le Corbusier. Venezia: Marsilio, 1982, P. 9.
    Corbusier. Venezia: Marsilio, 1982, P. 9.  +
  • The Scandinavian Institute for Computational Vandalism reads Le Traité de documentation: contours.  +
  • The Scandinavian Institute for Computational Vandalism reads Le Traité de documentation: gradient, contour, sift, texture, lexicality.  +
  • The Second Pan-African Congress in Brussels (1922)  +
  • The World and its Classification: Things (beings, substances, phenomena); Knowledge (the sciences, technologies); Languages (expression); Documents  +
  • The interface of the augmented interactive game "Mundaneum Web 1895", deployed in Mundaneum in late 2015. Source: http://www.lesoir.be/1067285/article/actualite/regions/hainaut/2015-12-11/mons-mundaneum-se-devoile-sur-tablette  +
  • The repertory of the International Office of Bibliography  +
  • The two men with glasses on the left row are, first, Bernard Otlet, and then, Patrick Lafontaine  +
  • These files were circulated by Mundaneum t
    These files were circulated by Mundaneum through WeTransfer in March 2015. The .zip file was forwarded to Mondotheque by a befriended designer. Where possible, image names have not been changed. .tiff files have been converted into .jpg and image credits were added whenever possible.
    mage credits were added whenever possible.  +
  • Tomb at the grave of Paul Otlet  +
  • Toute la Documentation. A late sketch from
    Toute la Documentation. A late sketch from 1937 showing all the complexity of the pyramid of documentation. An evolutionary element works its way up, and in the conclusive level one can read a synthesis: "Homo Loquens, Homo Scribens, Societas Documentalis".
    ns, Homo Scribens, Societas Documentalis".  +
  • Traité de documentation - La pyramide des bibliographies  +
  • Universal Decimal Classification: hierarchy  +
  • Van der Swaelmen - Tervuren, 1916  +
  • Vicepremier en minister van Digitale Agenda Alexander De Croo plugs some ethernet cables in Saint Ghislain.  +
  • World City by Le Corbusier & Jeanneret  +
  • screenshot, ... , photographer Patrick Tombelle  +
  • vignette Editions Mundaneum  +