

From Mondothèque


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02.Screenshot from 2015-10-03 07-42-03.png +Notes by Paul Otlet in the copy of Le Traité that belongs to Melissa Coops. Screenshot from: The man who wanted to classify the world  +
03zTdhoaAmyZdtbiSd92S1Gd0-AyCwt7WgvFNzjzZB5HoLBgo8dSaw79GAEcg9H2-BHX U-SdAhbDZFRweBPcgUMDIbAmH19UPyCKOaI=s0.png +Sketches for Google Doodle celebrating Otlet's 147th birthday  +
10-tuttaneum.png +Paul Otlet, Species Mundaneum. Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Encyclopaedia Universalis Mundaneum (EUM), document No. 8506.  +
10303233 0065 P01.jpg +Storage place of the Mundaneum at Avenue Rogier  +
12987026569226.jpg +Inscription: "Il ne fut rien sinon Mundanéen"  +
149.jpg +La Pyramide des Bibliographies. In: Paul Otlet, ''Traité de documentation: le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique'' (Bruxelles: Editiones Mundaneum, 1934), 290.  +
17mund.1-650.jpg +"Qui scit ubi scientia habenti est proximus. Who knows where science is, is about to have it. The librarian is helped by collaborators: Bibliotecaire-adjoints, rédacteurs, copistes, gens de service."  +
17mund.3-190.jpg +I believe these hands belong to Alex Wright  +
1891368170 B975488909Z.1 20150508072232 000 GHN4FAIGM.1-0.jpg +Illustration published in Le Soir (08/05/2015) explaining the various institutions and actors involved in managing finances for Mons 2015  +
1906-aspects-livre.jpg +Les aspects du livre  +
1924-foire-caoutchouc.jpg +Exhibition materials of Le Palais Mondial moved to the hallway to make space for a Rubber Fair (Foire du caoutchouc)  +
1934-affaire-palais-mondial.jpg +"M. Paul Otlet, director of the Palais Mondial, 'camps' with his colleagues in front of the entrance of the premises that are about to be closed by the Ministry of public works"  +
1944-tombe po.jpg +Tomb at the grave of Paul Otlet  +
20120403-0959s.jpg +Taiwan Economics Minister Yen-Hsiang Shih, President of Google APAC Daniel Alegre, Google Taiwan managing director Lee-Feng Chien and Changhua county magistrate Bo-Yuan Jhuo at the Google data center opening ceremony in Changhua on April 3, 2012  +
20150804 012420 google.jpg +Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum reaches for a shovel off of a robot built by Monarch High School's Team Shazbots robotic team, while, from left, John Tayer, of the Boulder Chamber; Collin Kemberlin, of Tryba Architecture; Liz Hanson, of the city of Boulder; Congressman Jared Polis; Scott Green, of Google; Gov. John Hickenlooper; Fran Ryan, of Impact; and Darren Fisk, of Form; watch during a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Google campus in Boulder.  +
2810332846.jpg +Siem Jansen (director of the Development Agency of Noord-Nederlands), Harm Post (Director of Groningen Seaports), Marijke Van Beek (Major of Eemsmond), Bryan Evans (head of datacenter Design and Construction of Google), Francois Sterin (director of Global Infrastructure Google), Henk Kamp (Dutch Minister of Economy) and William Moorlag (Deputy of Groningen Province) inaugurate the construction of Google Datacenter in Eemshaven, Groningen Province.  +
2919380315 ace106c949 o.jpg +Design for the Mundaneum, Section and facades by Le Corbusier  +
3231283769 6caf3a962c m.jpg +Elio Di Rupo with Mons2015 badge  +
3Dcategories.png +Dynamic visualization of the Plan Mondial  +
3biographers.jpeg +Biographers Warden Boyd Rayward, Françoise Levie and Alex Wright at Alex Wright's lecture "Cataloging the world: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age", held in Brussels, at Google Offices, December 4, 2014  +
4421630189 4b3050b77d o.jpg +Paul Otlet at the World Congress of Universal Documentation, Paris, August 1937  +
468324-original1-kpnbx.jpg +Paul Otlet, directeur du Palais mondial de Bruxellles, faisant un discours lors d'un meeting de protestation organisé par le Cercle belgo-russe, à la suite du sac de l'exposition russe, années 1930. A sa droite : madame Taupin; à sa gauche : Pierre Bourgeois, écrivain belge.  +
4757696786 10263d69f1 o.jpg +The Second Pan-African Congress in Brussels (1922)  +
5531491159 7d4d4a7ab6 o.jpg +Sketch for La Mondothèque. Paul Otlet, 1935?  +
57244878.jpg +"Institut International de Bibliographie, le répertoire Bibliographique Universel. - Bruxelles : Phototypie Desaix, s.d. - 14x9 cm"  +
61.2.van-acker01 fig01f.jpg +''An axonometric view of the Mundaneum gives the effect of an aerial photograph of an archeological site — Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, ancient American (Mayan and Aztec) or Peruvian. These historical reminiscences are striking. Remember the important building works of the Mayas, who were the zenith of ancient American civilization. These well-known ruins (Uxmal, Chichen-Itza, Palenque on the Yucatan peninsula, and Copan in Guatemala) represent a “metaphysical architecture” of special cities of religious cults and burial grounds, cities of rulers and priests; pyramids, cathedrals of the sun, moon and stars; holy places of individual gods; graduating pyramids and terraced palaces with architectural objects conceived in basic geometrical shapes of cube, cylinder, prism and pyramid, the main axis of which is symmetry with emphasis on horizontality.''  +
61.2.van-acker01 fig05f.jpg +Plan of the Mundaneum by M.C. Heymans  +
61.2.van-acker01 fig06f.jpg +Perspective of the Mundaneum by M.C. Heymans  +
61.2.van-acker01 fig07f.jpg +Paul Otlet, Cellula Mundaneum (1936). Mundaneum, Mons. Personal papers of Paul Otlet (MDN). Fonds Affiches (AFF).  +
6996968195 4b521a07b4 z.jpg +Elio di Rupo and Sylvia Van Peteghem, 2012  +
6P9A4428.JPG +Mondothèque worksession at Akademie Schloss Solitude, February 2015  +
6a00d8342fc47753ef00e54f5144f88834-800wi.jpg +''As soon as all forms of life are categorized, classified and determined, individuals will become numeric "dividuals" in sets, subsets or classes.''  +
8-schema.png +Otlet, Scheme and Reality  +
900x720 2049 1603.jpg +Sketch for Mundaneum World City. Le Corbusier, 1929  +
ARC-MUND-EUMC-3518-001 0.png +Schéma symbolisant la Cité Mondiale et le rattachement de tous les points de la Terre à la Cité. 07 mai 1943.  +
ARC-MUND-EUMC-3583-001 0.png +Atlas Bruxelles – Urbaneum - Belganeum - Mundaneum. Page de garde du chapitre 991 de l'Atlas de Bruxelles.  +
Absence 1.jpg +Screenshot of absent index card drawers from "François Schuiten et le Mundaneum", 1997  +
Absence2.jpg +Absent drawers (screenshot from "François Schuiten et le Mundaneum", 1997)  +
Affiche40x60 internet-histoire-belge web72.jpg +Internet, a story from Belgium? Poster distributed by The Mundaneum archive center  +
Archives Mundaneum - Fundamenta.jpg +Table des 10 Fondamentaux - Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04576.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04577.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04578.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04579.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04580.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04581.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04582.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04584.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04588.jpg +''The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite and perhaps infinite number of triangular galleries, with vast air shafts between, surrounded by very low railings. From any of the triangles one can see, interminably, the upper and lower floors. The distribution of the galleries is invariable.''  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04592.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04597.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04598.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04601.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04602.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04606.jpg +Proof for the postface of Traité de documentation  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04607.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04610.jpg +L'univers. L'intelligence. La science. Le livre  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04616.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04617.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04618.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04619.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04620.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04621.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04622.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04626.jpg +Archives Mundaneum-2105-09-28  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04627.jpg +Drawer with various notes on the development of the UDC  +
Archives MundaneumDSC04639.jpg +Index card found in the Mundaneum Archives (September 2015); handwriting probably Cato van Nederhasselt: "Paul -- laisse moi la clef de m/la maison, j'ai oublie la mienne. Mets la - sur ton bureau - dans le petit bac a fiches. --"  +
Autoworld 001.jpg +Autoworld interior, ca. 2013  +
Bibliology.png +Bibliology-Documentation-Museography: Expression as a double interface between processes of documentation and of thought  +
Big 12063813.jpg +Jyri Häkämies (Minister of Economic Affairs), Ari Kurvi (Operations Manager) and Hannu Muhonen (Mayor of Hamina) inaugurate Google datacenter in Hamina, Finland.  +
Cato.jpg +Photo from the Broese van Groenou family archive / Emilia Broese van Groenou (1876-1960) was the mother of Dorothea (Thea) Coops and Wilhelmina (Milisa) Coops  +
Celebration 1000.jpg +''The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same.''  +
Chambredetravail.png +Documentation personelle: Mondothèque, Chambre de travail, Table de travail  +
Classify-sketch.jpg +Universal Decimal Classification: hierarchy  +
Cloppenburg Coops.jpg +Dorothea (Thea) Coops was the sister of Wilhelmina Coops.  +
Corb.jpg +World City by Le Corbusier & Jeanneret  +
Corbusier scheme Urbanisme.png +Corbusier, Current and Ideal traffic circulation  +
Corbusier urbanisme scheme.png +Corbusier - scheme for the traffic circulation  +
Coworker.png +Screenshot 0:11 from "Google in Mons: European Capital of Culture 2015"  +
Crystalcomputing1.png +Crystal computing aka Google in Saint Ghislain, Belgium  +
Crystalcomputing2.png +Crystal computing by night  +
DSC04457low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04458low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04460low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04461low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04462low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04463low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04464low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04465low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04466low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04470low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04471low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04472low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04473low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04474low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04475low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04476low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04477low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +
DSC04479low.jpg +Mondotheque visits the Mundaneum archives, 11 September 2015  +

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